After the alumni game, the high school Lady Rockets will host Ballard Memorial starting at 6 p.m. All alumni will be recognized between the JV and varsity games.
If interested in playing, contact Coach Shannon Hodge ASAP at (270) 704-0593 or email here at shannon.hodge@crittenden.kyschools.us.
Please let us know soon if you plan to participate so we can have the right number of T shirts and right amount of refreshments.
Game Day Itinerary
2:00-3:00 p.m., Arrive at Rocket Arena, get shirts, be assigned to a team
3:00-4:30 p.m., Warmup and tipoff
4:30-6:00 p.m., Reception and time to visit with old teammates and families
6:00 p.m., CCHS Lady Rockets vs. Ballard Memorial - all alumni will be recognized between JV and V games
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